This is the inspiring story of a man who teaches through their difficulties and disabilities that there is no reason to give up . Nicholas James Vujicic was born in December 1982 with the Tetra - amelia disease that is characterized by a failure in the embryonic formation that reflects the absence of all four limbs . Nick was forbidden by law to study in a regular school because of his physical handicap and, during his schooling, laws were changed and he was the first student with physical disability to be integrated into a regular school . Because of its limitations , Nick has developed other ways to perform necessary activities such as writing ( Nick wrote with two fingers of the left foot and the help of a device attached to the foot ) , using the computer , shave , comb your hair , brush your teeth , answer the phone and stuff.
Although knowing so many things to do , Nick grew depressed by being discriminated in school and at eight years old he began to think about suicide . He decided to end his life by drowning himself in a bathtub . After a few attempts , he realized he did not want to leave their loved ones with the burden and guilt resulting from his suicide . He could not do that to them . At fifteen years old Nick sealed his faith in God and began a wonderful journey. After often beg God to grow his arms and legs, Nick began to realize that his accomplishments inspire people just by the immense effort they required. One day Nick's mother showed him an article about a man dealing with a severe disability and this confirmed in the heart of Nick what he understood when he read the Gospel of John, chapter 9 that talks about the man born blind who faced with Jesus and his disciples, and wondered why the man was born that way, was when Jesus said that man was born that way to the glory and power of God is made real on earth.
All this did Nick see that he was not the only one with problems and that with God's help he could overcome them. At seventeen he began lecturing in his prayer group, and eventually started his non-profit organization: "Life without limbs" After that, at twenty-one, Nick graduated in Accounting and Financial Planning and began their journeys with motivation speaker and began to speak at businesses, schools, places Christians and non-Christians. So far, Nick already spoke to more than two million people on four continents and has released books and appeared in the short film The Circus Butterfly. Today, Nick is married and has a son who was born normal, keeps telling everybody of his life story and encouraging people not to give up.
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